Anyone reading this blog or my facebook page has seen that I am constantly talking about essential oils. This post is to explain my not so little obsession.
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These are a few of my favorite essential oils (Cool Azul is actually a cream with oils in it) |
So far I have used essential oils in my own home to treat/alleviate headaches, splinters, blisters, severe burns, sore throats, nausea, itchy skin, common colds, belly aches, anger(this sounds crazy but it is so true), frustration, zits, back aches, knee pain, muscle pain, teething gums, asthma, allergy sniffles, stuffy noses, trouble sleeping, distractibility, creative blocks, and the list goes on and on.
I had no idea what essential oils were until last August. I was signed up to run the Falmouth Road Race for a charity and I needed a race donation. I boldly decided to call my cousin. While talking to Jadzia, I received a little education on Young Living's Essential Oils. I had heard her talk about them before but the information kind of went in one ear and out the other. By the time I hung up I was thinking that I was going to end up buying something to try out but I was still completely clueless.
Over the next few days I did a lot of research (I like to research everything exhaustively...just for fun) and I started to be enamored by the idea of these magical oils but deep down I was a skeptic. Even so, I couldn't stop thinking about how Jadzia's son Nicholas had been medication free-- no steroids, inhalers, breathing treatments, and trips to the hospital-- since he had started using the oils. And that is after ripping out the carpet, installing hardwood floors, and trading cloth couches for leather, failed to solve the problem. The reality was that they were making trip after trip to the emergency room and investing big money on household changes in an attempt to alleviate Nicholas' suffering but nothing worked until the oils came along.
In the end, I took a huge leap of faith and got a premium starter kit from Young Living. It came with 11 oils and blends, a diffuser, and a few other samples. In all honesty, I felt guilty about the purchase at the time. At the time didn't seem like a justifiable expense, like buying a unicorn on amazon. Only now do I understand what great deal that package is. Now I realize that buying that little kit is one of the top ten best things that I have ever done. Yes, it is on the same list as Marrying Ale and bringing Max into this world.
After getting my oils I quickly realized that there is an oil for everything. I also discovered that these little babies are really powerful. When I use the right oils, they consistently work faster and more efficiently than "modern medicine" and they are completely natural.
Since I began using oils, I have noticed that the overall quality of my life has actually improved. For me it is weird to say this because I was happy (although oftentimes stressed) before trying my first oil. I did not realize that things could get much better.
With the oils, I am able to get more of the "good stuff" out of every day and the bad things don't affect me as much. I now have more natural energy and focus to enjoy the great things in my life while being more productive. I use oils to manage my mood while working at my insanely stressful job. I have completely stopped using Motrin and Ale has cut back significantly- we just don't need it anymore. Additionally, I encounter a lot of germs as a teacher. In the past I would be sick for days and days as my body took its sweet time to fight off whatever bug I picked up. Oils have helped me to fight off a few bugs very quickly - so quickly that at the time I kept saying "I am getting sick", but I never ended up actually "being sick".
Every day I am so thankful that Jadzia introduced me to Young Living Essential Oils. As a result, I feel a burning desire to teach others about essential oils.
If you are interested in trying out essential oils, here are a few suggestions to help you get started. As you read this, please keep in mind that I ONLY RECOMMEND YOUNG LIVING ESSENTIAL OILS (there are a thousand reasons, but that will be another blog post):
- try out one essential oil and get to know it really well (I can help with this)
- consider taking the plunge and getting a premium starter kit - this will give you a variety of 11 oils and blends, plus a diffuser. I could go on and on about how great a deal this is.
- Host an Essential Oils 101 class - I will come over and teach you and a few friends about the basics, and how to use a few of the most popular oils.