Monday, August 31, 2015

New Adventures

The past year has been a whirlwind of exciting new adventures for me.  In the last year I became a mom, a runner, an essential oil convert, and now a blogger!  In this blog I will reflect on these new experiences.

So, why do I call myself Mumma Lavender you might ask?  Well, the most important thing that I am is Max’s Mumma.  Every day I am shocked at how awesome it is to be a mom and I feel like I am going to explode right now just thinking about it.

But Mumma Lavender?  Yes, Lavender!  I recently discovered the power of essential oils and I am OBSESSED!  I am on a quest to know everything that I possibly can about my new medicine cabinet of essential oils so I will be sharing what I learn here. 

 So… back to the lavender.  Lavender is the “mumma” of all essential oils.  It has the power to calm, gently induce sleep, repel insects, reduce inflammation, and so much more.   Many have said that Lavender is the Swiss army knife of essential oils.  I hope that my posts will be the Swiss army knife for all your baby momma needs!  I will be posting about thoughts that I had/have as a new mom such as:
  • What kind of baby spoons are the best and who has the best deal on diapers?
  •  To run or not run?
  • What tricks can I use for making my own baby food?
  • Does Lavender really get rid of blisters? (I am experimenting on myself right now.  My instinct is to be skeptical but so far lovely lavender has not let me down!)
Now, I definitely do not claim to know the answers to all of these questions (although I am convinced that Nuk Gerber Graduate Easy Rest Spoons are the best!) but I can at least share my insight and experiences.  My hope is that those that read this blog will share their experiences in the comments so that other moms can benefit from our collective knowledge.

With that, I will close out this post by asking:

Are there any particular topics that you are curious about?  Please write your suggestions below!

I just want to give a little disclaimer here. I am so impressed with Young Living Essential oils that I recently became a Young Living distributor(#3126359).  The oils have been so helpful to me that becoming a distributor was just not an opportunity that I could justify passing up.  If you are interested in using oils make sure you do some research about which oils are safe for your situation.  My statements have also not been approved by the FDA.
